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Key Stage 4 : Years 10 and 11
Key Stage 4 comprises of Years 10 and 11. Key stage 4 is a comprised of two-year groups, Year 10 and Year 11. At the end of Year 9, students will be asked to select their options for IGCSE and KS4 based on the Options Booklet which is provided to them in advance.
Students follow a two –year programme of study, consisting of a range of IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) subjects, assessed by the Cambridge board, which is aligned with the National Curriculum for England. These are externally examined and are the first stepping-stone towards International A-Levels (Key Stage 5) or other pre university courses such as International Baccalaureate.
Al Sadiq Islamic English School is committed to the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of all students, allowing them to succeed during Key Stage 4 and beyond, into Post-16 education. We are committed, furthermore, to ensuring that all our learners acquire and develop the necessary skills, experience and qualifications needed for university and the ever-evolving world of work. We aim to make all students ‘Future-Ready’.
All students at Al Sadiq Islamic English School will undertake a Core subject offering and will then have a range of additional subjects to choose for their Optional Blocks.